’Inspiring Design’ with our host Rashan Senanayake, is the intersection of design, technology and education. Our featured guests are the best of the best, sharing their knowledge in design, global technologies, design thinking, industry standards and most importantly how it connects back to education. This is the way to transform new realities, enabling preferred futures.
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Steel fabrication has been an ever-evolving industry since the beginning of human civilisation alongside the consecutive industrial revolutions. We are now at the transition between industry 4.0 & 5.0 technologies where integration is evolving to support the way we work and the way we learn. Watkins Steel does exactly this and has been setting the standard for the industry. This episode features one of the leading minds in technology integration within the bespoke steel fabrication sector – Dr. Vitor Bottazzi (R&D Manager and Robotics Engineer at Watkins Steel). Vitor unravels detailed discussion points stemming from his unique overseas experience and how current technologies such as Mixed Reality (MR), alongside Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Drones, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, AI, software/CAD, laser scanning etc. have been successfully integrated to unlock more capabilities through a more streamlined, faster and accurate approach towards bespoke steel fabrication. Watch the evolution on Youtube for this video episode and tune into for the future of the advanced manufacturing steel industry!
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
S04 : Ep. 10 : Mining & Exploration in the 21st Century with Kate Dickson
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Anything and everything in the built environment and human civilisation have stemmed from mining & exploration of the earth and its natural resources. An essential, exciting and a fast-evolving industry and to lead this topic this episode features of the best experts in the mining and exploration industry - Kate Dickson (QLD Director of AMEC). Kate breaks down detailed responses to crucial learning areas all stemming from her interest in geological sciences evolving into leading the industry and its advisory & direction. Kate unveils answers to questions such as “what is the mining industry in the 21st century?”; “How technologies are driving mining and exploration with automation, AI, robotics integration?”; “What core skills are required to succeed in this industry now, and in the future?”. This is just the start! Tune into the episode to understand the direction of one of the largest industries and exciting future opportunities stemming into space exploration and mining… out of this world! The future is already here, tune in now!
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
2 x defining technologies that underpin almost everything we do today - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data. This episode features two bright young minds - Rahul Kota (Data Scientist) and Matthew Lakis (Mechatronics Engineer) from Athena AI. Both working with the utilisation of AI and integration of big data in a variety of fields. This tech talk features Rahul and Matthew both unveiling detailed and technical responses to questions such as “What exactly is AI & BigDATA? What are the capabilities of this technology? How have these technologies evolved and what to expect in the future? How does this play a role in automation and the evolution of humans - the future of work, the future of education? What are the new emerging careers that come with integration of these technologies? This was only the beginning! This must-listen episode then takes a humble turn when Rahul and Mathew go on to share their experiences, insights and advice for students/graduates as well as for educational institutions and professionals on the do’s and don’ts of harnessing the power and working with AI & Big Data. The future is here, tune in now!
Monday Sep 06, 2021
S04 : Ep. 8 : Design & Constructing with BIM Integration with Nathan Love
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Building Information Modelling (BIM) – the way we design and construct is not what it used to be! BIM’s integration into the design and construction industry globally has revolutionised the way we build our cities. Today’s episode features one of the leading BIM experts - Nathan Love (Construction BIM Coordinator for Queens Wharf, Multiplex). Nathan, coming from his extensive experience with BIM and structural engineering, sheds light on to BIM knowledge by detailing responses to: What is BIM? What’s involved with it? What did the design and construction industry look like 20-30 years ago and in comparison, to now? How has data changed the way we work and integration of technologies such as VR/AR, AI? How is BIM utilised? What are the different career paths & employment opportunities possible with the use of BIM? As well as what are the key skills & attributes required for BIM. Nathan then concludes with some valuable advice for students as well as professionals interested in working with BIM. Tune into the 12th dimension episode!
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Robotics! How about Advanced Robotics? One of the leading technologies and tools within industry 4.0 and 5.0, specially within advanced manufacturing. In this episode, we feature one of the leading minds in this field Dr Cori Stewart (CEO & Founder of the ARM Hub) alongside our host to unwrap the details of advanced robotics. Cori talks tech with detailed answers to questions such as: What technologies are being used to transform manufacturers? AI, cobotics, robotics, design-led manufacturing, AR/VR, IoT, Cyber, Bigdata etc. as well as what technologies are coming in the near future. How does this industry compare to its evolution in the past 20-50 years? What about job losses due to automation? How has it evolved career paths and moving on to industry 5.0 technologies such as 5G telecommunications? Cori humbly follows on to sharing valuable advice for students, teachers, schools, universities and anyone interested in entering this Tony Stark-esque industry as well as what is takes to succeed alongside STEaM skills. Tune into this (video - YouTube) episode to learn the latest technologies within industry and advanced manufacturing.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Food! The very sustenance of life. With the evolution of the human race, our production of food manufacturing has now involved into the largest sector within the various advanced manufacturing industries in Australia. In this episode, we showcase four leading experts within food manufacturing, food technology and food science! Jana Cameron (President of the Food Association of QLD), Lea Reid (Senior Development Technologist at Earlee Products), Trish Linderman (R&D Manager) and Juju Chen (Food Technologist) join forces to deep dive into a detailed discussion on this amzing industry. Each guest humbly shares their expertise on the various details of the food industry unravelling responses to questions such as: What is involved in the food industry and food sciences? How has it evolved? What are the technologies involved? Robotics, Data, IoT…, What are the different career paths & employment opportunities within the food industry? What are the key skills & attributes required? Following this knowledge share, each guest goes on to details advice for future food technologies and scientists as well as what 21st century educators now need to take on to align with the requirements of the industry. Tune into this delicious episode for all the ingredients required to understand exactly how to succeed within food industry.
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Engineering - the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, structures and much more. In this technical episode featuring Gonvida Pandey (CEO of Rockfield and Co-founder of LiXiA), we took a deep dive into a discussion to understand what 21st century engineering now involves alongside the heavy technologies’ integration. Govinda, from his extensive engineering experience and leadership in innovation, humbly details expert responses to questions such as - What did Engineering entail 50 years ago and how has it evolved into the 21st century in comparison? How does this technical industry fall within advanced manufacturing? What are the technologies – such as drones, sensors, IoT, BigData - and how do they play a role within engineering? Following the impeccable amount of detail for the above, Govinda goes on to share his advice for the future engineers (students/graduates) as well as what 21st century educators now need to take on to align with the requirements of 21st century engineering. This episode carefully unpacks exactly what key skills & attributes are required in engineering for the modern world. Tune into this episode and learn all the technical nuggets of gold shared within this exciting industry.
Monday May 10, 2021
S04 : Ep. 4 : Agriculture & Farming in the 21st Century with Rory Aronson
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Food. Agriculture. Farming. Words that are vital for a sustainable future and the survival of all living things. Rory Aronson (Social entrepreneur and Founder of FarmBot Inc.) and I unravel the details involved with Agriculture & Farming in the 21st century. Rory humbly shares his vast knowledge combining a unique experience in engineering, design and entrepreneurship in agriculture and tackles detailed responses to questions such as - What does 'agriculture & farming' look like 50 years ago and how does it look now in the 21st century in comparison? What are the key skills and attributes required to succeed - especially if someone is planning on entering the industry from school, tertiary? What are the technologies involved and how does drones, IoT, BigData, Smart Devices etc. play a crucial role in this sector? Is '21st education' aligned and suitable to facilitate a future in the modern-day agriculture and farming? Rory then concludes with timely advice for students as well as teachers and schools on how to pivot towards the future of this amazing industry within the 21st century. Tune into this episode and learn all the details required to succeed within agriculture and farming in the 21st century.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Life. Health. Life Science. Biology. Biotechnology. These are words are now more important than ever before. Clare Blain (CEO of Life Sciences Queensland) and I dive into this timely topic, unpacking exactly the right details and discuss how this major health industry now falls within advanced manufacturing in the 21st century. Clare unravels detailed responses to important questions such as - What exactly is 'Life Science' and 'Biotech' and what do these look like in the 21st century? What factors qualify it as a part of advanced manufacturing? What are the key skills / attributes required - especially if someone is planning on entering the industry from school, tertiary? How does STEaM play a role? What technologies are now involved? VR? AR? AI? IoT? What does '21st education' need to do to align with the future life science / bio tech industry. What is the woman’s role in this industry? Tune into this video episode and learn all the details required to succeed within the future of Life Science and Biotechnologies in advanced manufacturing.
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
On the back of a global outlook, Jules (Manager of QMI’s Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP) – Advanced Manufacturing) and I deep dive into the world of Advanced Manufacturing and how it works within schools and industry – interconnectedly. Jules skilfully breaks down detailed responses to questions such as what key skills and attributes are required within advanced manufacturing? How does this play a role in 21st century schools and education? How can it be integrated alongside the required skills? Advice for students as well as advice for schools and teachers. She expands on this information by outlining how QMI (Queensland Manufacturing Institute) as well as the Advanced Manufacturing GISP helps facilitate this transition from the education sector, through to the industry. Tune into this video episode and learn all the details required to succeed within the advanced manufacturing industry in Queensland, Australia.